Sunday, 15 December 2013

Book Giveaway

Book Giveaway
I am interested in any quirky, funny, or downright scary faerie stories or anecdotes that you might have. 
 If you have met one of the inhabitants of the land of Fae even better! 
So please share with us on this site and I will present a copy of Faerie Flora 
to the most interesting or funniest. 
So sharpen your pencils, flex your fingers and get to it.
Looking forward to your stories!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

St Finnians Night

St Finnians Night ,12th Dec, is celebrated in the Scottish Highlands and Islands: it is very unlucky to go to bed supper less on this night, any one who did so was likely to be carried away over the rooftops by the faeries!
According to a Minster living in Barnstaple Devon. 1683 via a letter to a friend: 'Francis Fry  was returning from work when he was caught by a female spectre who grabbed him by the skirts of his doublet and carried him into the air... and about half an hour later he was whistling and singing from the middle of a quagmire. Coming to himself an hour after he was found, he solemnly protested that the daemon carried him so high that he could see his Masters house underneath him no bigger than a hay cock... he prayed to God not to suffer the Devil to destroy him and he was then suddenly set down in that quagmire. The workmen found one of his shoes on one side of the house and the other on the other side; his perriwig was espied next morning hanging in the branches of a tall tree.'