Saturday, 8 July 2023

More Faeries and Folklore of the British Isles

In a few weeks time the revised and updated edition of 

More Faeries and Folklore of the British Isles 

will be available from Amazon.

"These wonderful tales of the faeries world have been gathered from all corners of the British Isles- from Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, to the Scottish hills and then down to the tip of Cornwall. Many of the folk tales can be traced back to Celtic times and have been passed on orally, from old wives tales to the spell binding stories we were told as children.
County by county Elizabeth Andrews explores the different types of creatures from the faerie world, where they may still be found and their customs and habits.
There are also wise tips on how to protect yourself against faerie magic."

Since the publication of the first edition I have heard many times why did you forget this county and that faerie? So I decided that I had better go on another faerie hunt!
This edition has many more pages, information and illustrations in a larger format.
I hope this edition will be as popular as the original.
I will announce the publication date when the final draft has been finalised.

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